What if you could be more chosen and infuential? What if you could become more confident, impactful and rewarded at work? What if friction eased and your credentials were accepted? What if you got pay rises and promotions on time?

Like the woman (or man) who has it all!


This is Possible for You!

My name is Jane Frankland. I’m an award-winning leader, speaker, bestselling author and women's change agent. I’ve spent over two decades in tech, become one of its most celebrated female influencers, and UNESCO has called me a "trailblazing woman in tech."

I cut my teeth in tech by building my own global penetration testing (hacking) consultancy in the late 90s. But, I’ve also worked as an executive for some of the world’s most well-known consultancies (the last one being as a Managing Director at Accenture) whilst contributing to leading industry accreditations, schemes and forums PLUS sharing my thought leadership in the media, including the top British broadsheets.

So believe me when I say, I understand your challenges.


 ...I know all about the challenges that women face while trying to establish themselves as confident and competent leaders in an ever-changing and often aggressive business world.
From feeling the need to act like a man in a woman’s body in order to gain credibility and traction to being regularly bypassed for promotions and projects despite being the most qualified and competent person for the job in the room
I’ve either experienced OR witnessed every possible hurdle that determined women have to deal with when trying to position themselves for success in their industry of choice. 

So, what's the most crucial thing I’ve learned over more than two decades as a high-achieving, impactful female leader and role model?

It's that whether you like to think of yourself as one or not, you ARE a brand.
You see, your personal brand is your trust mark. It's what people say about you when you're not in the room and you can either be in charge of this, directing it yourself, or you can let others decide what they want to make up about you.
So, whatever your level, the sooner you leverage Brand YOU, the sooner you are going to get to where you want, and make more impact along the way.
And the best part?
You can do so WITHOUT joining into the noise, the aggression and the battle of egos...
…AND while feeling confident in your abilities, comfortable with your visibility, and relaxed in your own (womanly) skin.

So, how do you do it?

By using the 5-STEP FRAMEWORK that I've developed over years which enables you to take charge of your own personal brand, understand, embrace and leverage your abilities to reach your goals, and eliminate the guesswork.

These are NOT isolated success stories.

Whether you’re aware of it or not, you already have all the abilities, confidence and leadership potential you’ll ever need within you to achieve similar results.

All you need is a tried-and-tested formula to embrace them, unleash them and leverage them for success.


My FLAGSHIP program for developing confident high-performers and role models in cyber, who are recognized for their TRUE worth, minus the stress and overwhelm.


When you buy IN DEMAND 10X today, you'll get my 5 module proven framework...


Module 1

IN Service: Understand the KEY to gaining stakeholder buy-in - this module is the secret to success & no one ever goes this deep!

In Module 1, you'll get crystal clear on your objectives and on the specific results you want to achieve by the end of this program, and beyond. You’ll gain full clarity on who you need to influence and attract in order to reach your ultimate goals, so you can be sure that your voice, message and content are aligned and will appeal directly to them. With competition becoming fiercer than ever, and attention spans becoming shorter each day, the content in this module will guide you in building a successful personal brand and raising your influence and impact, so you can stand out amidst your competition easily, effortlessly and quickly.

Module 2

IN Focus: Create a personal brand that's authentic and aligned with your unique style, values and mission

Whilst Module 1 is focused on gaining full clarity on the stakeholders you’d like to attract and or influence, Module 2 is all about Brand YOU. Through a series of practical exercises, you'll dive into the nitty gritty of effective personal branding and executive presence. By the end of this lesson you'll have clarity on your strengths and weaknesses, your value proposition and messaging, your vision, mission and value statements, your why, your unique voice, posture, energy and style. You'll learn how to tell better brand stories (there are 5 you'll need) AND receive a formula for building trust and trustworthiness.

Module 3

IN Formation: Discover how to build strategic relationships, network effectively, and position yourself to attract the opportunities you want - this module is great for introverts!

In Module 3, you’ll be discovering new effective tactics to network and building relationships in a way that’s effective yet effortless and aligned with your personality. You’ll discover where to hang out both online and offline, how to build your power posse, and which platforms deliver the best ROI.

You’ll be given a framework to implement everything you’ve learned both strategically and efficiently, along with proven tools and done-for-you scripts that you can start using right away. You'll be able to lean into our community for ideas on copy, content, reviews, or ideas you have. By the end of this module you’ll know exactly what to do, how to do it and in what order.

Module 4

IN Momentum: Build credibility, trust and influence by creating lasting proof PLUS how to put an end to self-sabotage and the dreaded Imposter Syndrome once and for all!

Module 4 is where we take things up a gear and go full-blown ninja! In this module, you'll discover effective practices and proven frameworks for building influence and impact. You’ll learn how to quickly create engaging and relevant messaging that drives action and elevates your influence. You'll get access to automation tools that will mean you're not having to be a slave to constant virtual content creation. You’ll also understand your Imposter Syndrome and how it shows up when you're taking action and expanding your comfort zone PLUS how to deal with trolls and stay safe and supported as a woman online. You’ll also get the scoop on how to become a LinkedIn Top Voices, so you can reach more people and even be the envy of your peers, just like I did.

Module 5

IN Demand: Learn how to handle the press, media, event organisers, recruiters, peers and leads etc. when you're visible and in demand - no one EVER teaches you this!

In Module 5, you'll discover how to leverage the media, journalists and speaking agencies. You'll get ALl the resources you’ll ever need to measure your progress and maintain your efforts. You'll learn more proven time-saving techniques that I've personally used for over two decades and how to gracefully say ‘no' to requests for your time that don't align with your goals in a manner that doesn’t offend and even results in you gaining extra respect.

AND that's not all...

Because I genuinely care about you doing well, and Iike to overdeliver, you'll also get these incredible BONUSES!

  • Bonus 1 - A 1-hour coaching call (or two 30-min calls) with Jane Frankland to be taken within 90-days of enrolment of this program. There, you’ll be able to ask her questions and get feedback on your work (Value: ÂŁ1,500)
  • Bonus 2 - The Awards Master Plan that gives you a COMPLETE step-by-step action plan for awards applications. Discover exactly where, when and how to apply to increase your chances of being shortlisted and winning, minus the overwhelm (Value: ÂŁ597)  
  • Bonus 3 -  A Live Half-Day Workshop with Jane for Q&As on this training program and for teaching you how to "Harness the Power of AI Tools to Boost your Peronsal Brand Influence," Discover how AI can revolutionise various aspects of personal branding, from content creation and social media management to audience engagement and data analytics. Gain insights from Jane as you shadow her and watch her work her magic. This half day live workshop resource is a game-changer for your work, saving you hours of work. (Value: ÂŁ1,100)

Total bonus value: ÂŁ3,197

When you add in the program too, that’s a value of £4,194.

But when you enrol today, you’ll get access to everything for ONLY...


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Why all of these modules (together)?

Developing into a well-rounded professional, leader and authority requires a 360-degree approach that goes beyond pure competence and work-specific skillsets.

If these were enough, every competent professional would be a well-established and recognised leader. 
Of course, we both know that this is just NOT the case.
Often, the reason why women do NOT progress as far as they’d like is that one or more pieces of the puzzle are missing.
Yes, professional development is important …
… but, particularly for women, professional development is just NOT enough to become a confident, impactful and influential leader and role model.
A proven system to developing Brand YOU  – laid out in a clear, easy-to-follow blueprint – is the single most effective way to ditch the frustration, the comparison blues and Imposter Syndrome…
…so you can develop into the confident, happy and IMPACTFUL leader that you were born to be.

The IN DEMAND 10X Program comes with a 30-Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We've put a great deal of thought into the IN DEMAND 10X Program, and we are confident that the skills that you'll acquire and develop through this program have the potential to transform your career and life forever.

In order to reap the benefits and experience a radical transformation, it's crucial that you give it your very best effort. That’s why, in order to be eligible for our 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee, you must submit proof that you completed your coursework.

If you complete your coursework and feel that we have under-delivered on our promise, submit your work within 30 days of purchase and we’ll promptly refund your program fee. 

What Fareedah, a Forbes 30 Under 30 Tech Superhero has to say...


Frequently Asked Questions

This program is great for you if you want to raise awareness of yourself, increase your impact and showcase what you stand for, your values, strengths and talents, what work you do and how you do it, your value and worth, your story, and what it's like to work with you.

So if you’ve ever said anything like this, this program is right for you:
  • I know I need to be more intentional when it comes to my personal brand, but I’ve no idea where to start.
  • I'm tired of being bypassed for work and promotions when I'm more than qualifed to do the work.
  • I need to build trust and better engagement with my clients and stakeholders, as right now they lack confidence in me. But I struggle to know what to say, or how to find my voice and use it professionally.
  • I’ve no idea whether I should be accepting contacts on my LinkedIn network or contacting others.
  • I’m worried about putting myself out there and making a mistake.
  • I know writing isn’t my strong point, yet good communication is required for my role. How can I improve?
  • I know being technically competent is not enough for my role and why I need a personal brand but I don’t know how I’m going to find time for it.

This program is not right for you if you're not prepared to invest in yourself and do the work. Or, if you're stuck in a victim mentality, have a tendency to be negative, dramatic or blame outside circumstances for your results.

Every successful professional needs to know how to use personal branding and influence as a tool. However, as men aren’t subjected to the same biases or rules of the game as women, we’ve created a specific program to address the challenges women face.

We do work with men and anyone in between genders, and you are more than welcome to join it but please bear in mind that some of the language is geared towards women. Please contact us for more information.

This program is delivered via an online learning platform, with support from a private, online community on The Source, Jane's brand new platform for women in cyber. You will also get support from Jane when you book the strategy call/s. If you need additional support, you can get this for an extra fee.

Sometimes. Right now we only offer an online learning program unless you’re a corporate entity looking to book for your team. You can reach us by email to discuss further at: [email protected]

If you can’t make any of the live sessions, don’t worry. All sessions are recorded and will be available for you to access at a time to suit you. Even if you’re unable to attend live, you’ll still be able to email us your questions and benefit from the online community aspect.

All you need is your laptop and some good old motivation. Everything is provided for you in the program.

Whether you like it or not, you run a personal brand. Brand YOU is about how you make people feel and what people say about you when you’re not there. So, the question begs, do YOU want to be in control of this? If the answer is yes, there’s never been a better time to enrol in this program than now.

Don’t worry. Writing isn’t for everyone - which is why I've developed effective strategies to help you get your message out there that don’t involve blogging.

This program is effort and reward-based. In other words: what you put in, you get out. Show up, commit to taking consistent action, implement what I teach, and getting results is not only possible - it’s inevitable. Our students have obtained their dream positions, are getting regular speaking gigs, winning awards, and being quoted in broadsheets.

This program is self-paced. Once you enrol, you’ll have instant access to all 5 Modules (plus your BONUSES) so that you can build your personal brand and influence at whatever speed your situation allows. You should be ready to invest at least 1-2-hours per week - a very small investment to build an asset that will be adding thousands to your salary, commission, or business revenues. 

Here’s the thing. The busier you are, the MORE you need a leveraged system. I know you’re under pressure and you’ve got a load of things on your plate. Which is why my IN Demand 10x program was built with one thing in mind: implementation. I’ve laid out all the steps, in a crystal-clear fashion, so you can get results in record time. All you need to do is block off a couple hours a week, dive in, and follow the step-by-step instructions that will guide you towards a personal brand that reflects who you are and that will exponentially grow influence and impact.

Yes. We want you to feel good about your purchase, so we offer a 100% 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. In order to be eligible for our 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee, you must submit proof that you completed your coursework. If, after completing your coursework, you feel that you haven’t achieved the results we promised, submit your work within 30-days of purchase and we’ll promptly refund your course fee. If you do not include your completed coursework within the 30-day period, no refund will be issued.

You'll get some feedback from Jane if you book your 1-hour call with her within 90-days of enrolment.

Yes, and we can tailor it to your exact needs. Just contact us by email to discuss. CISOs, business owners and smart sales people often opt to do this.

Absolutely. We’re proud to offer unlimited access to our students for the life of the program. You can watch the training videos and log into the Member Area to access your materials as many times as you’d like. The best part? When the program is updated, you’ll get access to any updates, too.

"Attending Jane's personal branding program was one of the best career decisions I've ever made. I highly recommend it!"

Rosanna T.S. Kurrer
Managing Director of Cyber Way Finder

The IN DEMAND 10X Program is PERFECT for you if…

  1. You want to be picked because of your skills and capabilities, and for hiring managers, recruiters or head hunters to say, "I want HER!"
  2. You are fed up being bypassed for promotions and stimulating projects and you're now ready to be in demand and enjoy a constant flow of opportunities.
  3. You're unheard during meetings and unable to get buy-in from your stakeholders, and you're excited about standing out, being valued, and increasing your confidence, impact and influence.
  4. You're just getting started on personal branding and want a killer strategy that's proven to get results.
  5. You’re already seeing some success with your personal brand, but you know there’s more to it than what you’ve applied and you want to uplevel your influence and impact, FAST.
  6. You're already struggling with what to do or say online and you want to fix your social media presence once and for all.
  7. You're new to the industry and want to build a useful, valuable network of contacts online - like hiring managers - as well as attract a top-notch mentor.
  8. You want to instantly and dramatically increase your visibility, opportunities, and/or sales without being a slave to a multitude of online activities.
  9. You're willing to put in the work and want to use your voice and hone your message, so you can attract more opportunities and build a consistent pipeline.
  10. You recognise the value of being taught and guided by another woman in cybersecurity who practices what she preaches, and genuinely cares about you succeeding.

If you said “yes” to at least 3 of the above, IN DEMAND 10X is right for you.

So, now it's time for you to make a decision.

Are you going to keep things as they are now and in a year or two, things will likely be exactly the same for you. Or are you going to buy the program now and reap the benefits?


X1 Payment of




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""Jane delivered a high quality session for us at Microsoft and seamlessly delivered to the limitations of remote training. Her delivery was so compelling it was able to keep the global executive team engaged including those for whom it was the middle of the night.""

Sian John MBE
Technology Executive

50% Complete

Two Step

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